Luke and Alex’s #DearGrief 2018 story

Luke and Alex’s #DearGrief 2018 story

Our #DearGrief campaign invites you to talk about what grief means to you, and what it feels like. Here Luke shares his message to grief following the loss of his 17-year-old-sister, Alex.

Alex was my sister. She was always the brightest, loudest, most exciting and loving girl. An amazing sister to me.

Alex was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH).  

It's been described as one of the most aggressive forms of mate pukupuku / cancer known to man, that attacks the internal organs.

After a short and courageous battle, we lost Alex on the 23rd of November 2014. She had just turned 17.

Mum, dad and I still struggle with our loss. But it's talking about what happened to people in similar situations and living life how Alex would have wanted us to live that makes everything somewhat easier.

I got my tattoo in memory of Alex. It was done at the Seventh Day Studio by Tritoan Lee.

In Loving Memory of Alex Thomas 07.11.1997 - 23.11.2014