How to support students through serious illness or grief.
Death is really difficult to talk about, especially at kura (school). Sadly, at some point in your career, your kura community will be affected by death in one way or another. It could be the death of a student’s family or whānau member, carer or friend.
Or it could be the death of an ākonga (student), staff member or loved member of the kura community, like a parent helper. News travels fast to tamariki and mātātahi these days.
Tamariki might look to their teachers and schools, as well as their parents and communities, to help them make sense of what’s happened, even if they’re not directly affected by it.
Grief is a life-long journey, and it can feel isolating and overwhelming, especially for tamariki and mātātahi. That’s why the support of their loved ones and community, including their teachers, is so key.
This toolkit is designed to give you confidence and plenty of ideas about how to deal with death and grief in lessons, assemblies and one-to-one settings. It draws on international expertise and the experience of Kenzie’s Gift’s qualified mental health professionals.
They’ve worked with Kiwi families, tamariki and mātātahi for years, giving them the tools and support they need to navigate their grief journey.