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Serious illness
For Adults
Family life after serious illness or cancer treatment
After your taitamaiti / child finishes their serious illness or cancer treatment, you might be wondering what happens next. Well-meaning loved ones might say, "Now you can get back to normal!" But how do you get back to life as it was before serious illness took hold? Read on.
Serious illness
For Adults
Caring for a seriously ill child
Taking care of a seriously ill taitamaiti / child is one of the most difficult things mātua / parents and caregivers will ever do. You may well be juggling your child's care with needing to look after other tamariki, the household, work, and your own wellbeing.
Serious illness
For Adults
Bullying during serious illness or grief
It’s a sad reality that bullying happens – and it can even happen if your taitamaiti / child or mātātahi / young person is affected by serious illness or grief in the whānau.
If you or your child is experiencing bullying at kura / school, here are some things you can try.
For Adults
How to prepare a child for the death of a parent
Tamariki / children can normally sense when something’s going on around them, especially if it’s something really serious, like the death of a mātua / parent or caregiver. It’s really important to be as open and honest with tamariki and mātātahi / young people as possible.
For Adults
How to prepare a child for someone dying
Preparing tamariki / children or mātātahi / young people for the expected death of a loved one while trying to cope with your own emotions can be one of the toughest things you’ll ever have to do. Each whānau's situation is different, but we've compiled some tips that might help.
For Adults
Managing grief after your child has died
The grief felt by mātua / parents and caregivers who outlive their tamariki / children has been likened to a hole in the heart that never heals. It’s a deep heartache that lasts a lifetime. Read on for some ideas that may help you cope with grief after your child's death.
For Adults
How to prepare a child for a funeral or tangi
As mātua / parents and caregivers, it’s natural to want to protect tamariki / children from life’s toughest experiences. This includes funerals, tangi and other death rituals. But attending a funeral or tangi can actually be really helpful for your child’s grief going forward.
How to cope with grief when you can’t be together
When we’re grieving, it’s natural to want the support of our loved ones – but what if, because of distance or other reasons, you can’t be together?
For Adults
Grief and mental health
Grief impacts every part of our lives, including our physical and mental health. Grief is a normal and natural reaction to the death of someone close to us, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Learn more about how to care for your mental health when you’re grieving.
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